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Tinkaton (Pokémon)
From Tinkapedia, the fan-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Tinkaton (Japanese: デカヌチャン Dekanuchan) is a dual-type Fairy/Steel Pokémon introduced in Generation IX.
It evolves from Tinkatuff starting at level 38. It is the final form of Tinkatink.
Hammer Pokémon
#0959 |
Mold Breaker or Own Tempo |
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
Catch rate
45 (11.9%)
Tinkaton is a pink humanoid Pokémon, with large, white arms and short, stumpy toeless feet with light pink circles underneath. Its arms have
five fingers each, with the thumbs having the same color of pink as the body. It has steel plates on its hips that resemble outturned pockets.
Its face has silver eyes with thin eyelashes, and a large mouth with two square teeth-like growths on the upper lips. On top
of its head is a large, pinkish-white growth resembling a twin-tail hairstyle, which droops over Tinkaton's back and has darker
pink zigzag patterns accenting it.
Tinkaton wields a crude, gigantic metal hammer that weighs over 220 pounds (100 kg) and is larger than its own body. The hammer appears to
have been made using the old hammer Tinkaton had as a Tinkatuff for the base, with several scraps of metal colored in varying shades of gray and
purple welded onto it. The hammer also has a spiked beige axe-like structure on top. Although the hammer is heavy, Tinkaton can swing it
with ease by using its whole body.
Tinkaton is intelligent and has a reckless personality. It swings its hammer at rocks to send them into the sky, aiming to hit flying Corviknight.
This Pokémon will also steal anything that it wants and take it back to its dwelling. It has been observed using its hammer like a bed to sleep on.
Tinkaton is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Gigaton Hammer.