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Bellibolt (Pokémon)
From Tinkapedia, the fan-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Bellibolt (Japanese: ハラバリー Harabarie) is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IX.
It evolves from Tadbulb when exposed to a Thunder Stone.
EleFrog Pokémon
#0939 |
Electromorphosis or Static |
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
Catch rate
50 (12.9%)
Bellibolt is a large, rotund, amphibian Pokémon. Its elastic and squishy body is primarily green in color, with orange patterns on its head, back, and lower body,
along with small orange feet. The pattern on its head is shaped like a rounded cross, while the patterns on its lower body are
chevron-shaped. The pattern on its back consists of two orange chevrons and a lightning bolt shape, surrounding an orange circle with a yellow dot at the center.
Bellibolt has two white bumps on the sides of its head, each containing a black dot with a yellow border. These bumps resemble eyeballs, although they do not function
as such. On the center of Bellibolt's face are its actual eyes, which are small, yellow, and resemble nostrils; along with its mouth, which has orange lips and small
yellow cheek patches. Bellibolt's gray belly is covered with a semi-transparent membrane, and has a yellow organ inside that resembles a belly button. As Bellibolt's
body expands and contracts, this organ generates electricity, which Bellibolt discharges through the bumps on its head. These head bumps glow when discharging electricity, and they also allow Bellibolt to appear more intimidating.
Bellibolt is capable of moving very quickly, but usually chooses to act sluggishly. It is difficult to train Bellibolt to initiate a battle because it has an easygoing
temperament, and does not notice its opponents until it is attacked. At night, Bellibolt's stomach emits a strange noise, which signals that it is hungry. Bellibolt is
seldom found in the wild, but may rarely be seen alongside riverbanks.
Bellibolt is the only known Pokémon that can have Electromorphosis as an Ability.