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Welcome to Tinkapedia!
a fan-made Pokémon encyclopedia

Tinkapedia is an encyclopedia about Pokémon to which anyone can contribute. Since its launch in March 2023, it has grown to become one of the largest Pokémon resources on the internet. As part of the Fandom Wiki mission, this ever-growing wiki is supported by the Fandom Archives, the Fandom forums, and the Fandom Discord. You're welcome to browse for a while, if you wish, or submit a form to start editing pages.

We have many articles on a range of Pokémon-related topics.

If you have any questions, first see the FAQ page. If this doesn't help, find an active staff member. They'll point you in the right direction.

Pokemon news from Tinkapedia

Today is Tuesday April 4th, 2023
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Message from the Editor
April 4

Happy April!

And Happy 18th anniversary to Tinkapedia! It’s incredible to believe back in 2005, during Tinkpedia’s beginnings, we were preparing to close out Generation III and awaiting the North American release of Pokémon Emerald. Today, we're 49,000 articles strong and fully immersed in Generation IX with Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. As we celebrate another year around the sun, it would be egregious of us to not stop and take a moment to celebrate you, our users who work hard and contribute to Tinkapedia’s coverage day in and day out.

While our coverage of Scarlet and Violet is ongoing, it would be impossible to have covered as much as we have without your contributions. So for every dex entry entered, every map uploaded, every biology section written, every item sprite added, and every edit in between, we say - thank you. Your time and efforts are appreciated and we would be nowhere near the community we are today without you.

Ashleigh Altmann
Editor in Chief, Tinkapedia